Friday, February 17, 2006


It was a beautiful evening.The bus stand was crowded but this family could be easily differentiated from the rest.Their's was a nuclear family, yes, a family which comprises of the head, his wife and seven children,the gifts of god.The rich look on to this family and console themselves,for their problems were far better when compared to that of these poor mortals.The head of this family feels better by comparing his state to that of the rich as he is free from the problem of managing wealth and is releived from the tension of frequent raids.Though their residence is not a permanent one,he is happy with the only fact that he has got atleast an address to name;THE BUS STOP,opp to hanuman temple,besant road,icehouse,chennai-5.

Though child labour is considered to be a social evil that is to be abolished,the members of the family sustain their lives,only with the income of these svelte seven.The problem called unemployment would never affect this family.All the children were employed, four had the privilege of collecting junk,being ragpickers and the rest are decent enough to beg rather than to steal. It was a great occasion to celebrate,for this family of nine.Yes, the birth of the younger sister,the eighth soul which has been saved from the trouble of going to school,carrying a sackful of books which would weigh more than the kid. The family was so concerned about the new one and discussed the kid's future,as to her profession. The head finally arrived at a desicion that the kid can decide from the options whether to be a ragpicker or a beggar.

The mother had her own way to make money, it would not be wrong if it is called as ' sympathy money' . Poor baby failed to realise that it was being used to make money. A mother with a baby can earn more than others,particularly, in india.

One day, the head, being a drunkard,was so happy that their family had more money on that day than any other day,the effort of the kids had been paid for. To celebrate this occassion, the head decided to take the family to beach, the only hang out place for the family,where they could rejoice themselves. In the beach,the kids were free enough to go to water as the parents were busy with their own work.Along with the new born,the children experienced the bliss of their life,playing,cracking jokes. When suddenly a monstrous wave, being so hungry or so,engulfed all the eight.Helpless were the kids,trying to raise their voice in vain.

It was too late when the parents realised the state of their own children,who had drained all their blood and spent their entire life, showering all those pennies to make their parents happy.The parents wept as they had never wept before, not for the lives of their children but for their own fate. On whom will they bank upon for money? How will they sustain their miserable lives on this planet?? FOOD,LIQUOR,MONEY were the words circling their heads!!!

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

awestruck at the sight of mist,
desired to be with it,full of zest
feeling the warmth of the sun,
then faded away,as it was the destined one!

Friday, February 10, 2006

seeds of truth

the world is a garden
with trees and plants,
hatred&ego are like insects and ants,
use insecticides like peace,
serve them with ease,
shower them with love
with a heart of dove,
now that a tree
they serve you free...
the farmer says it though
"you reap what you sow"
rain is nature's way to say,
"hey mortals,i wipe your sin with my tear;
give you joy without any fear
polluted, may i be,
like your minds,as i see
pain to me,
pleasure to you
mother shall sacrifice for kids like you
you may enjoy what you get
never forget,you'll regret."
enjoy rain with bliss,
it is nature's way to kiss...