Monday, April 03, 2006


Do you think? Are you the kind of person who thinks to eat time? Then this post is dedicated to you because i don't think you really deserve this.I've come across persons who spends hell a lot of time thinking and the final conclusion would be nothing.Too much of thinking about insignificant things is total refute and significant issues, will be arrived at a decision soon for the very term implies that it is significant. After wasting 1 precious hr by thinking, the final answer whether a yes or no will not be arrived at, they would still keep pondering on the may or may not, not being sure about themselves or the decision that which they take.

Inability to arrive at a concrete decision is because you are too dependent on the views of others or you lack self confidence.
AND WHY DO PEOPLE THINK THEY CAN CHANGE A PERSON? How can anyone but for cinema, change a person, his entire character as such... They say change is inevitable and that everything in the world is transient but for change. But how can anyone, untill and unless they realize their mistake, if they truly commit one, can accept the change? Is it necessary that one has to forego their principles just for the sake of that other person who feels it to be wrong... even if they abide by what they say, they are merely acting coz how can the character of a person be altered that soon just for the words of others. After all opinion differs, one can never expect different people to think alike. And one has to accept the other as they are and not by altering them according to their views...

Now don't think whether you think that u think.. or u think to eat time.. coz it's better not to waste time by thinking without a purpose. If you are that kind of person.. fine, otherwise also fine..


Blogger Neha said...

I think a lot.. now i don't consider it a waste of time but sometimes it really is.. caus ei end up thinking of so many things, hypothetical situations.. things that might happen.. thinking negative, positive..blah blah on an don and it really kills me at times. so now i try to stop it. i tell myself, hey i don't need to do this.. and move on! take my mind off it.. do something else.. works :)

9:28 AM  
Blogger Ashish Gupta said...

I could so well relate to all of that :P

Being a think-tank and leading nowhere personally.
Brain storming and just giving ideas to ppl, seeing every dimensions of things
... and then just leaving them there! no opinions, no prejudices, no judgements passed, nothing! 'coz nothing is good or bad, right or wrong, its all soo relative :)

2:29 PM  
Blogger AlterinG Abhishek said...

@ Empress
That is so tru..
well that is human mind...
It has the deep desire to Know, to be in control...

@ Neha
Hey what about the songs... that play in your head...hee hee!

I Beleieve and Know ..whatever you think aids MANIFESTATION..

You should Be positive and that is IT!

@ Guptaji: Think Tanks are good...!!

10:04 PM  
Blogger Anand said...

Although I do think-am not a crazy thinker about EVERYTHING and anything!
But I do know people who love thiking--its almost like they exist to think!
Sometimes it can be quite bugging...and at other times their thots can enlighten u as well!

12:39 AM  
Blogger Ekta said...

I realised I think a lot-all the time about almost everything!:-)
Sometimes its good, sometimes its bad..but I guess these things are a part of your personality and remain with u!

11:48 PM  
Blogger Ashish Gupta said...

I think 'coz my mind cannot be idle :|
When its thinking good it is goooooood :)

when its not then 'empty mind becomes someone's workshop' >:)

6:34 AM  
Blogger aria said...

Well well .. time to stop thinking and compose a new post :)

2:05 AM  
Blogger Ar Ar Ar Arrrrr said...

I spend a lot of time thinking and believe me the only thing I do in ma life is think...and do nothing..

Im wasting ma life...
Damn....I should do something serious....

Lemme think about it during the weekend ;)

7:40 PM  
Blogger Ashish Gupta said...

soo long now :(

3:46 AM  
Blogger Ashish Gupta said...

still no updates :-s

10:00 AM  
Blogger Jolly Life said...

Hi Archana,
You thought of lot of things. Worth Reading....Just keep thinking :)

3:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Twas good. U think a lot!? Malcolm Gladwell in his book "Blink" says that spontaneous judgements can turn out to be more effective than cautious decisions.

6:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Twas good. U think a lot!? Malcolm Gladwell in his book "Blink" says that spontaneous judgements can turn out to be more effective than cautious decisions.

6:10 AM  
Blogger $$$ Srini $$$$ 4 uuu said...

I realised I think a lot-all the time about almost everything!:-)
Sometimes its good, sometimes its bad..but I guess these things are a part of your personality and remain with u!

9:27 PM  
Blogger vinodchief said...

was cool ....!!! i love'd it...
check who'm in
fb :!/profile.php?id=590424205

10:00 PM  

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